This Week Doesn’t Count

The time between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day doesn’t count … according to a close friend. I am more than happy to agree with her. Of course, I know that the day of reckoning will come soon enough on January 2. But having a respite is nice. It’ll be short-lived, but I hope I’ll enjoy the time while it lasts.

The thing is, time is elastic. It can be short, or it can be excruciatingly long. Or it can be both. I think back on terrible times and they seem like they occurred yesterday, or years ago when they actually happened. Happy times have the same elasticity, too. I’ve often wondered about the veracity of quantum physics, but I don’t know enough about it to understand how it works. So, I’ve decided to believe in it, like faith.

So much in life is based on faith, like love and like God. I know many people who are fervent believers in God, but the majority of the United States thinks it is too educated to believe in a higher power. I wonder why. If they believe in love (which can’t be seen), why can’t they believe in God (who is also love)?

As is often quoted, “There are no atheists in foxholes,” why don’t desperate people turn to God? Even if you don’t believe in God, why wouldn’t you beg Him for what you need when you have nowhere else to turn? Even if you’re denied your request, what have you lost? But, if you receive what you asked for, will you write it off as luck, or a coincidence? It’s up to you to believe or not. God give us all the chance to believe. It’s totally up to us.

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